SAP EWM: Difference Analysis between Delivery based And Advanced Production Integration

The purpose of this blog is to elucidate the significant distinctions between ‘Delivery-Based Production’ and ‘Advanced Production Integration,’ and to outline the scenarios in which each model is most suitable for a business. Additionally, this blog will highlight the noticeable variances between the two approaches.
- These methods include one based on delivery documents and another based on the production material request document, known as advanced production integration.
- These methods differ significantly in their operations and how they facilitate essential manufacturing integration processes such as staging and consumption postings.

Backflush is delivery based and PMR

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Blog By
Nitin Kumar
SAP EWM/Freelancer/Corporate Trainer
Self-learning EWM course
Hi, Its a great post however I believe backflush for single-order components is now possible in embedded version (post 2020 or 2021, I cant recall exactly). Its using “Post synchronous to Bin for Goods Issue” in production scheduling profile.
It’s a great post however I believe that backflush for single order pmr item is now possible in embedded version since 2020. Its using post synchronous to Bin for Goods Issue setting in production scheduling profile.